Of those, 961 196 wallets were recipients of digital assets

Record 1,1 million addresses on the Ethereum network made transactions in 24 hours

28.07.2022 - 09:45


1 min

What’s new? On July 26, a record number of 1 066 898 active addresses on the Ethereum network was recorded. According to Etherscan, 961 196 wallets were cryptocurrency recipients, respectively, and 259 442 addresses were sending digital assets. The previous maximum of active users was recorded on May 9, 2021, at which time their number was 799 580. At that time, senders and recipients were split almost equally. As of July 28, 09:45 UTC, ETH is trading at $1616, up by 10,8% in 24 hours (according to Binance).

Information on Etherscan

Ethereum situation. Now the developers of the network are preparing to change the transaction confirmation algorithm from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS). The release of the upgrade is scheduled for September 19-25. The final date will depend on the results of the Goerli testnet merge, which will take place on August 11.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin said that by the end of the roadmap for the network’s transition would see its scalability increase from 25 to 100 000 transactions per second (TPS). He also added that the upgrade would involve sharding and the Rollups scaling solution. According to Buterin, Ethereum issuance will be steadily decreasing after the transition to PoS.

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