The man provided the attackers with €10 000 and then mortgaged his apartment in Moscow to pay a “commission” for the withdrawal of the allegedly received funds

Scammers stole 22 million RUB from pensioner under pretext of crypto investment

13.07.2022 - 12:45


1 min

What’s new? Scammers stole 22 million Russian rubles (RUB) from a 73-year-old pensioner from Moscow under the pretext of investing in cryptocurrency. According to RIA Novosti, citing a law enforcement source, in January, the man received a phone call from unknown persons and offered to invest in digital assets. The victim sent the attackers more than €10 000, and a few months later they contacted him again and asked for another 6 million RUB to withdraw the funds. In order to obtain the necessary amount, the pensioner agreed to mortgage his flat.

Material by RIA Novosti

Details of the case. After the first “investment” the scammers told the victim that his investments increased to $180 000. However, according to the words of swindlers, a much larger amount, 6 million RUB, was needed to invest in order to withdraw funds. The pensioner did not have that kind of money, but the “realtor” contacted him and offered to lend him that sum against the security of an apartment in Moscow. The man signed the contract and found out later that his apartment was re-registered to a new owner. The law enforcement agencies are now looking into the case.

In May, the Interior Ministry of Tatarstan declared four people wanted by the police who were involved in a fraudulent group of crypto coaches. They were engaged in fraud under the guise of learning to trade on crypto exchanges. Between 2017 and 2021, the criminals managed to fraudulently earn 53 million RUB. 12 of the 16 suspects had already been detained.

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