The final position of the country's leadership may be tough

​State Duma of Russia held a meeting on the regulation of cryptocurrencies

23.12.2021 - 09:35


1 min


What’s new? According to Prime, the discussions on the regulation of cryptocurrencies continue in Russia. The first meeting of the working group was held on Tuesday, December 21.

News on the Prime website

What decisions can be made? Although the authorities remain cautious in their statements, Indefibank CEO Sergey Mendeleev believes that the market awaits tighter regulation.

“I received confirmation from two independent sources about the meeting held yesterday, at which the final decision was taken to ban the crypt in the Russian Federation,” the entrepreneur posted on Facebook.

Mendeleev stressed that the authorities only consider two regulatory options, from banning the use of Russian infrastructure when making transactions to the introduction of criminal liability for possession and operations with cryptocurrencies. The final decisions on these issues will be taken at the spring session.

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