According to Glassnode, 2,51 million BTC are stored on trading platforms

​The number of bitcoins on exchanges has fallen to 2018 levels

21.03.2022 - 08:45


1 min

What’s new? The number of bitcoins has fallen to its lowest since 2018, according to Glassnode. The supply of BTC as of March 21 stands at 2,51 million, while Ethereum stands at 21,6 million coins.


What is the outflow of funds related to? According to the Chainalysis experts, the withdrawal of the cryptocurrency from the exchanges may be associated with the start of a bullish period for the market. Bitcoin has gained 5,66% in the last 7 days, while the Ethereum exchange rate has gained 11,57%.

Last week, research firm IntoTheBlock recorded a record outflow of the Ethereum cryptocurrency from the exchanges since early 2022. A total of more than 180 000 ETH ($520,6 million at the exchange rate on March 21) was withdrawn.

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