The corresponding vacancy has been published in one of the social networks

Youtube is looking for a specialist on work with Web 3.0

16.02.2022 - 08:35


1 min

What’s new? The popular business social networking site LinkedIn has published a vacancy for the position of Director of Product Management Web 3.0. A specialist with relevant experience is being sought by the world’s largest video hosting site, Youtube. The new employee is expected to develop and implement a strategy and roadmap for the advancement of Web 3.0 technologies on Youtube video hosting services.

Job descriptions on LinkedIn

What are the requirements for the candidate? The company wants to hire an employee with at least 15 years of experience for the new position. The applicant should have a good understanding of new technologies and cryptography, with skills in buying, storing, and trading digital assets and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Recall previously was mentioned Youtube’s plans to integrate NFT into the service’s operation. According to the service’s CEO Susan Wojcicki, the company takes inspiration from such technologies.

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