The company is about to launch a service for trading in-game non-fungible tokens

Game developer Konami announces the search for specialists in NFTs, Web 3.0 and metaverse

13.10.2022 - 15:10


2 min

What’s new? Japanese video game developer and publisher Konami Digital Entertainment is looking for specialists in Web 3.0, metaverse, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). According to the press release, the initiative aims to launch a service through which users can trade in-game NFTs on a unique blockchain platform.

Konami press release

What else does the press release say? There are open positions for a systems engineer, programmer, project manager, and business development specialist in Konami's Infrastructure Development Division. The Production and Operations Division needs a producer, director, programmer, designer, designer, and project manager. The company's Production Support Division is looking for lawyers and accountants.

The blockchain-based platform for trading in-game NFTs that is under development is reportedly compliant with “guidelines for DLT-based games” (distributed ledger technology) established by the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association, Japan Online Game Association, and the Mobile Content Forum.

Konami was founded in 1969. It is the developer and publisher of such game series as Metal Gear, Silent Hill, and Pro Evolution Soccer. In early 2022, the company held its first NFT auction, which featured tokens for the Castlevania series of games, with proceeds of about $162 000.

Earlier, Disney also began looking for a specialist to develop blockchain products. The applicant must regularly advise on “NFT and cryptocurrency-related matters and issues.”

In September, the developers of the blockchain protocol Zilliqa announced the launch of their own game console focused on Web 3.0 games. The device has its own game center, wallet, and mining utilities. Earlier Epic Games placed the first NFT game called Blankos Block Party in its store.

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