The initial price of the tender submitted by the Yaroslavl branch, Yarenergo, was 540 000 RUB

Rosseti will start using “heat maps” to detect mining farms

25.07.2022 - 12:45


2 min

What’s new? The main supplier of electricity in the Yaroslavl region, Yarenergo, which is a branch of Russian power grid operator Rosseti Centr, submitted a tender with an initial price of 540 000 Russian rubles (RUB) to provide statistical reports and interactive “heat maps” for identifying mining farms. Information about this appeared on the government procurement website.

Information on the government procurement website

Details of the application. The terms of reference indicate that the requirements include the provision of statistical reports in tabular format and interactive “heat maps” in web format. The report should include information about the binding to the geogrid (with an accuracy of no more than 100 meters) of a possible cryptocurrency mining farm, the total volume of incoming and outgoing traffic, the time and date of the consumer’s access to mining websites in the analyzed period.

The provision of reports and interactive “heat maps” is planned at least once a quarter. The expected start date of services will coincide with the date of the contract. The customer plans to use the services until December 16, 2022, with the possibility of annual renewal.

It is noted that the contractor must have a license of the Federal Security Service to work with information constituting state secrets.

In April, Irkutskenergosbyt filed a civil lawsuit against a resident of the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat District for organizing a mining farm on his land site. The court ruled to recover 28,6 million RUB from the accused for the use of energy resources on an industrial scale

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